It was suggested to me to start a blog. I've thought about it in the past but wonder if anything I have to say would be interesting enough for anyone to read. I like to read other people's blogs. Not really because I'm nosey but simply for validation I guess. That maybe the things I do everyday are the same things other people do. I also like to learn new things and I get lots of good ideas from other blogs. Anyway this is my first blog. Nothing too interesting. Just the basics.
I'm 26 years old. Married to my truck driver, Ryan. We met on MySpace and had a whirlwind romance. We were married and expecting 10 months into our relationship.
I'm a stay at home mom to 3 fantastic kids. Landon is 4, Sawyer is 2, and Danica is just 2 months.
We have a small farm not really because I love to have animals or because its fun but because I believe in being self sufficient if you are capable and relying as little as possible on commercial industries to provide. I also feel chores and having responsibilities at a young age will instill good work ethic in my children as well as keep them active and healthy. Even at 4 and 2 Landon and Sawyer love to help throw hay to the cattle and collect eggs from the chickens everyday. They like to help Ryan and I make firewood every spring carrying whatever pieces are light enough to the trailer to bring home to split and stack. I'll be getting the garden planted soon and I'm sure they'll be more than happy to cover my seeds with dirt as I go down the rows planting. We have a very old house that leaves much to be desired but its ours and we're not "throwing our money away" renting. We have 40 gorgeous acres along with it so I'll continue to deal with it until the housing market and economy turn around and we can build a new house. This blog will probably not be anything real spectacular. Just the everyday goings on but I hope whomever reads it finds it interesting.