Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Creek

I pronounce it crick.  Apparently its an up-north Wisconsin thing. This winter we're trying to keep it open for as long as possible to help with the electric bill.  The last 2 years its been almost $300 a month for December, January, February, and March between the house, the fencer, the lights and water heater in the chicken coop, and the stock tank heater.  During the summer months its less than $200 a month and the only difference is the heaters and the coop lights.

So every day I walk the quarter mile through the pasture down to our creek and break open the ice with a splitting maul. Sawyer went with me today while Danica was napping.




I am not a strong girl...my arms get tired fast swinging that thing.  Ryan makes fun of me because its a pretty light splitting maul...I think he said 15lbs when he was picking on me today. Usually the ice is pretty thin and it breaks through easily with one swing.  Last night it got down to 22 degrees below zero.  The ice was probably 3 inches thick on the upper side of the culvert today and it took more swings than I really cared for.  My arms are going to be sore tomorrow.

Top side of the culvert.


Bottom side of the culvert.


I could barely carry that splitting maul and hold Sawyer up through the deep snow on the walk back to the house because my arms were so tired. 

And of course, because I am not one of those people that was blessed with coordination or grace, I managed to slam my hand between the handle of the splitting maul and the ice during one of my last swings.  It feels amazing...really.



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