"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
Take your roast out to thaw the night before...
In the morning put your roast in the crock pot...
Season how ever you like. I use seasoning salt, pepper, and garlic powder and throw in a couple beef bullion cubes for good measure.
Throw in your raw veges. I usually use potatoes, onions, and carrots.
I add water until the crock pot is about 3/4 full. I don't like a dry roast and putting very little water in (as I know some people swear by) runs the risk of drying out or scorching if I'm gone and don't get home in time.
Cook on LOW for at least 6 hours or until easily pulled apart with a fork... (you can do high for 4 hours but I don't unless I know I'm home to shut it off when its done)
*Tip* If your roast is still tough let it cook longer. Its not done yet. I made this mistake the first few times I cooked a roast. I thought I ruined it. Turns out I just needed to give it a little more time.
I put my roast in at 10am. It was done at 5:30pm
Gravy...because I know people who buy cans of it...or packets of it. You just can't do that to a roast...
Put some of the broth left in the crock pot in a saucepan..heat to simmering.
Mix flour and water...make it a little thick but thin enough you can pour it without it "plopping"..whisk while pouring into broth so you don't get clumps.
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