Sure enough laying by the fence was a tiny little black fuzz ball. She's not much bigger than a cat. She was up and following Peep (our Ewe) around. She didn't seem to be nursing well and Bo (the ram) was picking on her so we corralled her and her mom in the small shed we have for them. Ryan held Peep for me and I washed my hands well with hot water and soap to check to make sure she didn't have any more lambs stuck inside of her. Then I helped the lamb nurse to make sure she was getting the hang of it. They are both content and bonding in the shed alone together. Bo however is not impressed and was ramming into the side of the shed so we had to close him off in the back pasture for now.
Now we have to come up with a name for our new addition. The Ewe and the Ram are Bo and Peep. I thought of sticking with a nursery rhyme theme but now I think maybe an Easter themed name would be more appropriate since she was born the day before. Maybe Lily after Easter Lilies. I'm open to suggestions so please share if you have an idea.
After all that excitement Ryan got the electric fence in the pig pen repaired. Then he and Sawyer left to get piglets. We always have such a difficult time finding piglets for some reason. We thought we had solved that this year when the pig farmer called and said the sow that was expecting our litter ate her babies. Apparently this happens occasionally and the sow will likely be culled so they don't risk it happening again.
This year we got lucky though and the farmer my mom and stepdad bought their piglets from still had some available. I will be raising 6 this year. Our biggest batch ever. Two years ago we raised 5 and I had all kinds of problems with them getting out. Hopefully we'll be able to keep the electric fence working all the time this year and I won't have so many issues.
Two weeks ago we added to our baby chick collection. We have a couple Rhode Island Red chicks and 9 Cornish-X meat bird chicks. The rest of our order should be here in May.
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