Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Recharging ...

We're taking a break this year.  Last year was a rough, tiring year.  Between Lyme Disease, My dad's passing, my knee surgery, and run away pigs we were not at all looking forward to our busy season this year.  After talking about the pros and cons Ryan and I decided we needed a year off to recharge.  We didn't get any calves or pigs this year.  We have one steer that will be butchered this fall for ourselves and we have a few chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese - and the garden.  My mom and step dad raised us a hog that is already done and in the freezer.  My posts have been few and far between - I'm enjoying summer with the kids. Playing outside and in the pool.  Spending Wednesdays at my moms pool for her day off with my sister and nieces  Doing a lot of reading on my Nook Color and swimming in our pool.  The garden is a little overrun with weeds at the moment but once we get some rain I'll get that taken care of - lots of veges in there - the pumpkin, zucchini, and cucumber plants are loving our hot humid days.  Last weekend we had a big party at the cabin in honor of Dad - we didn't eat much of corn I bought so we brought it home.  Danica and I shucked, blanched, and cut it off the cobs and stuffed it in freezer bags this morning while Sawyer was at VBS. 80 ears of corn = 16 -3 cup bags. 
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1 comment:

  1. I just love danicas hair! it maybe it's because her hair has been wet lately in the pics I've seen, but out looks much longer than I last remember!
